
前言: 這學期不知道是因為修太多硬課還是心理障礙,修了5門課退了3門課,不過還是可以寫點心得給大家參考。


前言: 最近準備期末時,突然想到之前在其他地方寫過升大三暑假的修課心得,就直接把文章搬過來blog再修改一下。


前言: 這個學期,我報名了台大資工所,台大網媒所和交大資工甲組三個研究所的推甄,最後除了台大網媒所因為繳錯報名表落榜以外,台大資工所和交大資甲正取。我想透過這篇文章分享一下我的準備過程與心得。

My feedback of lessons in NYCU(third semester freshman)

Preface: I didn’t expect to take three courses this semester. Due to the withdrawal of Physics(I)(II), I had to retake physics(I)(II). Moreover, I wanted to take Computer Graphics in first semester sophomore year; nevertheless, the prerequisite of Computer Graphics is Basic Programming, but I hadn’t passed the subjects. Thus, I chose Physics(I)(II) and Basic Programming this semester.

My feedback lessons in NYCU(first semester sophomore)

Preface: The workload this semester was heavy, and I had a tough time. For instance, I had twelve subjects last semester, and it took me two days to barely study Japanese(I) every week. Therefore, I used to sleep for five hours and drink Red Bull. At last, I withdrew Operating System. What’s worse, I didn’t get the presidential award this semester. Overall, I will not select an abundance of difficult classes in a semester.