My feedback lessons in NYCU(first semester sophomore)


The workload this semester was heavy, and I had a tough time. For instance, I had twelve subjects last semester, and it took me two days to barely study Japanese(I) every week. Therefore, I used to sleep for five hours and drink Red Bull. At last, I withdrew Operating System. What’s worse, I didn’t get the presidential award this semester. Overall, I will not select an abundance of difficult classes in a semester.

Core Subjects in CS:

Introduction to Computer Networks(計算機網路概論)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)


Course contents:The operation and architecture of networks.

Grading Policy:

Homework*2 (20%, answer the question)
Lab*3 (30%, coding)
Midterm exam (25%)
Final exam (25%)
Quiz (5%,take a roll call)
Bonus: Lab0 (3%)


I recommend the course for everyone due to the satisfying explanation, the simple homework, and the generous grading. First of all, although the professor taught me with English, she had a Taiwanese accent. With the simple words, she explained the slides clearly. Moreover, the homework was not troublesome. I didn’t learn python before the class, and I didn’t even realize all of the source code; however, I still finished the labs rapidly. Last but not least, it is rumored that the average grade of this class is 85, which is beyond the standard. Maybe it is because she is NE director. In conclusion, the high-quality teaching, the easy tasks, and the good-looking grade are why it is worth taking.

Introduction to Computer Graphics(計算機圖學概論)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)


Course contents: The implementation of 3D world in computer.

Grading Policy:

Lab1 (10%)
Lab2 (10%)
Lab3 (12%)
Lab4 (14%)
Midterm exam (27%,open book)
Final exam (27%,open book)
Bonus: actively answer the question in class


Although it is an intermediate subject in CS, in my viewpoint, it is not good enough to be selected. The slides were merely composed of pictures, and the textbook was not related to the slides. Thus, if I didn’t realize what the lecturer expressed, I would not realize, either. Moreover, the goal of final project was making a 20-second clip, and it was not suitable for normal people. Someone in the project implemented the algorithm of ray tracing, and I just finished the following video. Mmm… All in all, I don’t suggest that people without zealousness choose the course.


Introduction to Multimedia Information System(多媒體資訊系統概論)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)


Course contents: Introduction to simple information theory and multimedia.

Grading Policy:

Midterm exam
Final exam
I don’t know the grading policy, but I know the professor is generous in grading.


Even with the grade adjustment is unbelievable, I’m depressed about the awful course. At first, the accent of lecturer makes me drowsy, and I can not help sleeping during class. Furthermore, the contents are so complicated that they are likely to be a graduate course; thus, I barely learn anything in the class. In brief, the class is only suitable for those who needs credits.

Introduction to Algorithms(演算法概論)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)


Course contents: Complexity, data structure and fundamental algorithm.

Grading Policy: Homework*2 Midterm exam Final exam The professor is willing to adjust grade.


Although I don’t like the sound of this teacher, his class is worth trying. To begin with, the contents of slides are same as those of textbooks, so it is easy to be self taught. Secondly, the class emphasizes the principle of algorithm, so I actually establish the concept of good algorithms in this class. Finally, the homework is so simple that I spent a little time. As for me, I totally spent 3 days finishing homework. In brief, everyone who is interested in algorithm could take this subject.

Introduction to Operating Systems(作業系統概論)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)


Course contents: The function and architecture of operating system.

Grading Policy:

Midterm exam
Final exam
The professor is also willing to adjust grade.


Even if the professor is warm and mighty, I don’t recommend the course due to his poor instruction. Though he is eloquent in the class, the contents are often irrelevant to the exam because he considers that everyone has caught the fundamental points. Moreover, those who got a good grade in the class often audited another class, but I didn’t; thus, I ultimately withdrew the subject. Overall, the bad news can hopefully actually help you.

Core Subjects in IMF:

Futures and Options(期貨與選擇權)

Semester:2020–Fall (DOF)


Course contents: The evaluation and brief of various financial derivatives.

Grading Policy:

Midterm exam (open book)
Final exam (open book)
I don’t know the grading policy.


The contents are still difficult although the teacher removes the hard part. Take the last part for example. It mentions the stochastic process, Brownian motion, and Ito’s lemma, which are barely understood by undergraduate students. Without realizing stochastic calculus before class, I merely got 84 in this class. In conclusion, it is only suitable for those who are good at math.

Language/General Education:

Engineering Economics(工程經濟學)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCV)


Course contents: Accounting, Financial Management.

Grading Policy:

Midterm report (5%)
Final report (25%)
Quiz*4 (30%*(Sum(Quiz1~4)-Min(Quiz1~4))/3)
Midterm exam (20%, 110 full marks)
Final exam (20%, 110 full marks)


The course is called Economics, but it is similar to accounting and financial management. Last year, the teacher talked about the discount rate and return on investment. Then, he mentioned the options of investment. Finally, it taught us to calculate the return on investment(ROC) from Statement of Cash Flow. Overall, they are why this is not similar to traditional Economics. As to the report, students should analyze the profitability of a company through what they learn in class. At the beginning, they are divided into groups to find a company which is willing to offer the financial statement. After that, they need to evaluate the tendency, calculate ROC, and decide whether it should be invested. Although it is a little hassle to find a cooperative company, everything is easy afterwards.


Semester:2020–Fall (DFR)


Course contents: Hiragana, Katakana, and simple Japanese.

Grading Policy: Attendance (20%) Interaction(20%) Quiz, Midterm exam, Final exam (60%) I don’t know the detailed grading policy.


I admit that I’m not good at learning a new language, such as Japanese. The lecturer was eloquent, and I spent two days studying Japanese every week; however, I sometimes got a bad score. Additionally, I forget some Hiragana and Katakana after class. Given that learning a new language is time -consuming, I ultimately decided to learn Japanese after working in America. It is also why I selected the advanced English writing after this semester.


Arts Appreciation Education(藝文賞析教育)


Course contents: Attending exhibitions.


I didn’t expect to select the course this semester. In fact, I should pass the class last semester, but I failed by accident because of the repetitive exhibitions. Thus, I needed to visit another exhibition this semester. One afternoon, I went to the arts center and viewed a sequence of paintings. After writing the review on the booklet, I met the conditions of the course. Overall, if I looked out the standard, maybe I didn’t need to take this course again.

Physical Education(體育-網球丁)



Course contents: Serve the ball.

Grading Policy: No one cares.


The coach is absolutely professional. At the beginning of ten weeks, he corrected our posture instead of arranging for us to exercise. It is because the tennis ball is not as light as the badminton ball. If the posture is wrong, it is easy to get injured. After that, we practiced serving the ball. Through fundamental practice, it is helpful for me to play with others afterwards. In conclusion, if you wanna try tennis, select the course and enjoy.

Career Planning and Mentor of Hours(生涯規劃及導師時間)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)

Course contents: Having speeches.


The course this year is troublesome. Last year, everyone who selected the class should listen to the speech every week, and the teacher would actually take a roll call every time. By contrast, the course I took in ECE last year just required me to attend a speech, which is simpler than that in CS. In conclusion, it is not worth taking. However, it is required course, so everyone in CS should still take the course.

Service Learning II(服務學習)

Semester:2020–Fall (DCP)

Course contents: Being an unpaid laborer.


The work I chose in this class was advertising NYCU CS, but it didn’t go well at first. At the beginning, I thought that it was funny work because I could create anything funny by myself, so I combined the meme into the advertisement. However, after teacher criticizing that he didn’t catch the point, I realized that the meme I chose was unpopular. Afterwards, I replaced the popular meme, and the professor was satisfied with the modified version. In conclusion, in the course of class, I notice that a good advertisement is designed in detail, which is different from art.